top |
The Reiki Alliance |
Phyllis Lei Furumoto |
The Reiki Alliance is an international
community of Reiki Masters of the Usui System of Reiki
Healing - Usui Shiki Ryoho. After meeting in 1982, a
group of masters (Takata’s students) gathered the following
year in British Columbia, Canada to create The Reiki Alliance
and acknowledge Takata¹s granddaughter, Phyllis Lei Furumoto,
as her successor and Grand Master. They follow Takata’s
teaching which is said to be the closest to Traditional
Usui Reiki teaching. |
Alchemia Reiki |
Kamala Renner |
Alchemia Reiki involves the
art of breath, Reiki and Shamballa energy work combined
with touch therapy as a method to release blockages. There
are 3 levels of Reiki Degrees – I, II and Master Therapist
Degree. Each level is 2 days workshop. Kamala Renner established
a DoveStar School of Holistic Technology. | |
Ascension Reiki |
Jayson Suttkus |
Channeled from the Ascended
Masters. Suttkus was initiated by Ascended Masters through
chakras above his head together with symbols. The Reiki
Symbols are said to have a relationship with our subtle
anatomy. It said that the attunement process of Ascension
Reiki attunes the whole anatomy of the Higher Self. The
8 basic attunements attune the 8 anatomical aspects of
the Higher Self – The Will, The Power, The Soul, The Mind,
The Body, The Feeling Body, The Thinking Body, The Acting
Body. There is also 9th attunement for the Higher Self.
His book "Book of Remembrance" explains with details the
new/old Reiki System. | |
top |
C top |
D top |
Drisana Energy System |
NO |
This energy system is of Tibetan
origin – the word "Drisana" itself being Sanskrit for
"the daughter of the sun"; with many attunements to help
purify, cleanse and balance the chakras, subtle bodies
and the physical body. ‘Drisana is one of only a few energy
systems in the world which work with all seven planes
of reality - the physical, emotional, mental, Buddhic,
atmic, monadic and the cosmic’. These systems, like Reiki,
use cosmic energies which offer a vast source of different
rates and frequencies. Another concept, similar to Reiki
is that they carry intelligence. When we run these energies
they have the ability to go to where they are needed in
the body and mind and to work on the problem. |
Reiki Dharma |
Frank Arjava Petter |
Frank Arjava Petter says “Reiki
, as taught by Dr. Usui in the early 1920’s is ultimately
a path to enlightenment. And for any of us to walk the
path of enlightenment, it is vital that we are well prepared
for the event. What prepares us, is the Dharma. Dharma
is a Sanskrit word that means law. In Buddhist terminology
it is used to mean the teachings of the Buddha. In our
case Reiki Dharma means the teachings and guidelines of
Dr.Mikao Usui, or Usui Sensei as he was and still is called
in Japan’. There are 4 Levels/Degrees: 1 Level - 2 days,
4 attunements; 2 Level - 2 days, 1 attunement, 3 Usui
symbols; 3 Level - 2 days, Master Symbol; 4 Level - Reiki
Master/Teacher, 7 days. | |
top |
F top |
G top |
Gendai Reiki Ho |
Hiroshi Doi |
Hiroshi Doi-Sensei integrates training information
and methods from Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai as well as
modern forms of Reiki that he has learned from Western
based teachings. Doi-san calls his Reiki "Gendai Reiki
Ho" or "Modern Reiki Method". While he adopts Reiki
as practiced at Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai, he tries to
make it more fitted to the current society/environment,
retaining the true essence and heart of Mr. Usui's original
Reiki. In 1995 he established Gendai Reiki Healing Kyokai
- Modern Reiki Healing Association).
| |
top |
Hayashi Shiki Reiki |
Chujiro Hayashi |
Chujiro Hayashi was one of
several high ranking Reiki students in the Usui Reiki
Ryoho Gakkai. He left Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai and his
new style he wrote in his manual was called Hayashi Shiki
Reiki. He established Hayashi Reiki Kenkyukai - Research
Center. The Traditional Japanese Reiki System is divided
onto: Shoden – 6th degree represents Level I of the Western
Teaching; Shoden is divided into 4 parts. Level II of
the Western Teaching is called Okuden in Japan and is
divided into 2 parts – Okuden Zenki & Okuden Koki. The
Master Degree is called in Japan Shinpiden and it’s divided
into two – Shihan-Kaku (teacher’s assistant) and Shihan
(teacher). |
‘The Hayashi Reiki Manual’
by Frank Arjava Petter, Tadao Yamaguchi,
Chujiro Hayashi
top |
J top
Jikiden Reiki |
Chiyoko Yamaguchi & Tadao Yamaguchi |
Recently established in Japan
as they claimed ‘in order to preserve the original ideas
and lineage of Usui Sensei & Hayashi Sensei”. There are
4 levels – Shoden – 4 attunements, okuden : okuden Zenki
& Okuden Koki; Shinpiden: Shihan-Kaku (assistant teacher)
& Shihan (teacher). Reiki symbols with mantras are taught.
‘The Hayashi Reiki Manual’
by Frank Arjava Petter, Tadao Yamaguchi,
Chujiro Hayashi
Johrei Reiki/Vajra Reiki® |
Johrei Reiki is a combination
of Raku Kei Reiki and Johrei (some say that this is a
religion in Japan, some – that this is another healing
system). Reiki Practitioners didn’t want the connection
with religion so now this system is called Vajra Reiki.
There is a use of the Raku breath also called ‘breath
of the fire dragon’, hands positions, traditional & non-traditional
symbols. There are 3 levels of teaching. |
K top
Komyo Reiki Kai |
Hyakuten Inamoto |
It’s based on the Chujiro Hayashi
teaching as learned by Chiyoku Yamaguchi (she studied
2 first level with Hayashi Sensei). Hyakuten Inamoto is
a Japanese monk who studied with Chiyoku. However, he
was asked by Chiyoku’s son not to teach the Jikiden system.
Hyakuten had to re-named his school into Komyo Reiki Kai.The
system uses the original 4 Hayashi levels of Shoden, Chuuden,
Okuden & Shinpiden but gives more insights into Hayashi-Sensei
teaching. | |
Karuna Reiki® |
William Lee Rand |
William Rand was guided in
1995 to name the new system Karuna Reiki® which can be
defined as the Reiki of Compassion. The system is trademarked
by William Rand. It said that the energies that are connected
to this system are unique even though the symbols are
used by other schools, but the attunements are different.
It uses chanting and toning to help the healing energies
penetrate more deeply into the cells and tissues of the
clients body. Teachers need to be trained and registered
with the Center and have a registration number. It can
be taught during 3 day weekend Or Karuna Reiki® can be
divided into four levels - two practitioner levels and
two Master levels. There are two attunements, four master
symbols and eight treatment symbols. A requirement for
taking any of the Karuna practitioner levels is ART or
what is also called Reiki 3a. Karuna training is not a
substitute for Usui Reiki, but the next step after it. |
Karuna Ki |
Vincent Amador |
V Amador says “Karuna Ki is
the Way of Compassionate Energy and a Healing and Meditative
practice using the Karuna Ki energy and symbols to be
the Divine Heart of Compassion’. Karuna Ki shares the
symbols and early development with Karuna Reiki® , and
Tera Mai-Reiki. Karuna Ki has new attunements and Karuna
Ki Do meditations, and is a new development apart from
either Karuna Reiki and Tera Mai-Reiki.’ Use of chanting,
toning, violet breath. Levels - Karuna Ki singular Attunement
or Karuna Ki Three Levels Attunements. |
L top |
top |
Mari-EL |
Ethel Lombardi |
Mari represents Mary, Mother
of Christ, and El one of the names of God. The theory
behind Mari-EL healing is that every cell in our body
has a memory. Memories we store of a negative emotional
or physical experience will block the flow of energy.
Mari-EL healing helps to release these memories. It is
believed that the Mari-El system of healing is no longer
being taught by Ethel. |
Method to Achieve Personal
Perfection |
Chris Marsh-teacher |
Usui teaching was first called
by Usui's students 'Usui Teate' - 'Usui Hand Touch' or
'Usui Hand Healing also Usui Do - 'Usui Way'. The name
Reiki is not used or known by Usui's students. The word
Reiki is used in the affirmations but not as a name for
the teachings. The teaching is tailored to the individual,
each ones experience being different. After the initial
introduction the real work of study begins with approved
experienced teacher. In addition there are a small number
of 'Teaching Students' these are Senior students who can
undertake some basic teaching and support of students,
with the close supervision of a full teacher. They may
teach only with the approval of the Full Teachers. |
Magnified Healing |
NO |
Kathryn Anderson |
Energy received by Kathryn
Anderson in 1983 from the Ascended Masters. In 1992, Kwan
Yin presented Kathryn and her friend Gisele King, with
a method to transfer the ability to connect to this energy
to others. Rather than channeling energy as in Reiki,
the practitioner becomes the energy. |
Mystical Qi Gong |
NO |
A Version of Qigong healing
that involves storing and transmitting Qi. The process
is initialized by and initiation given by the master to
the student which allows the late to connect to the Qi.
Mr. Ou founded the Pan Gu Mystical Qigong International
Research Institute in 1997 to engage in the international
research on the QiGong and somatic science, to diagnose
illnesses through exceptional ability, to issue Qi to
patients to recuperate their bodies. | |
Medicine Dharma Reiki (Men
Chhos Rei Kei ) |
Richard Blackwell |
Until January 2003, Medicine
Dharma Reiki (Men Chhos Rei Kei) was posted as a healing
discipline said by its head, Richard Blackwell, to be
based on ancient Buddhist texts and the actual written
notes of Mikao Usui. The book Medicine Dharma Reiki, written
by Richard Blackwell, states Mikao Usui's notes were rediscovered
in 1994 among other Buddhist texts purchased by Richard
Blackwell's father in Japan after World War II. He never
let anyone to verified this writing. | |
N top |
Non-Traditional Usui Reiki |
first taught by Diane Stein |
Practitioners together with
Reiki might use a combination of crystals, stones, plants,
colors, visualization, affirmations, energy manipulation,
massage, chanting/singing, and psychic work, traditional
and non-traditional symbols. While some practitioners
practice Reiki no differently from Traditional Usui Reiki
practitioners, others are drastically different. Some
say that many teaching done on the Web is by Non-Traditional
Reiki Masters who attunes distantly as well as in person.
Many Masters do not consider lineage as important as Traditional
Usui Reiki does; some even consider lineage to be irrelevant. | |
O top |
P top |
Q top
R top |
Reiki Jin Kei Do |
Ranga Premaratna |
Seiji Takamori, student of
Takeuchi, felt a deep desire to search for the origins
of Reiki, so he embarked on a 20 year journey to India,
Nepal, and Tibet. After a long search, he found a few
monks belonging to a special sect who practiced the Buddho
System of Healing, a method similar but more complete
than Reiki. After spending many years with them and receiving
all the secret teachings and energy transmissions, he
returned to teach meditation and healing, he then called
EnerSense. In 1990, Seiji Takamori taught Ranga Premaratna
the four stages of EnerSense and also the teachings and
empowerments of Reiki, as transmitted in this very spiritual
Buddhist lineage. Premaratna later called this lineage
Reiki Jin Kei Do - Reiki in the Way of Compassion and
Wisdom. | |
Reiki Plus ® |
David Jarrel |
Students are offered the opportunity
to become ministers in David Jarrel church who is the
founder of the Reiki Plus Institute. David made his transition
June 25th, 2002. There are 4 Reiki Practitioner Degrees,
Master Level in the 2 Reiki Programs. All current Reiki
Plus Masters have spent 3-9 years practicing, studying
and traveling in tutorial study with David. The RPI is
paralleled by the Pyramids of Light Church – church of
Natural Healing and is Federally recognized as a church
of healing through Reiki Plus and Etheric Body Healing.
The training offered by RPI is the core principles of
Reiki to counseling approaches, Etheric Body Chakra Healing,
Soul Level healing techniques and training about the Ascended
Masters and Spiritual Discernment. |
The Radiance Technique®,
Authentic Reiki® |
Barbara Weber Ray |
B Ray’s new system of Reiki
has 7 levels. She claims that Hawayo Takata secretly trained
her (and non of the other 21 masters) in the full 7 levels
of the Reiki System before making her transition. From
the recent researches we know that there were several
different levels of teaching in Japan (please see Hayashi
Shiki Reiki). She founded the American Reiki Association,
Inc. in 1980. Later (around 1982-83) the name changed
to the American-International Reiki Association, Inc.
(A.I.R.A). Now her organization is called The Radiance
Technique International Association, Inc. (TRTIA). There
are 7 levels/degrees. 1 Level – 4 attunements, 2 Level
– 3 Usui Symbols without their names/mantra; 3 Level –
divided to 3, 3a, 3b – Usui Master symbol without it’s
name is given to Level 3. 3b Practitioner can teach Level
1 & 2; 4th Level Practitioner can teach Level 1-3. 5th
Level Practitioner can teach 1-4 and so on.7th Level Practitioner
can teach all levels. |
Raku Kei Reiki |
Iris Ishikuro & Arthur Robertson |
Raku-Kei is the ancient science
of self-development and self-improvement. It’s believed
that Ishikuro (Takata’s student) developed this system
on her Reiki and Raku Kei (‘The way of the Fire Dragon’’)
knowledge. Raku is the vertical flow of energy and Kei
– the horizontal flow of energy in the body. There are
4 levels/degrees: First and Second Level are taught as
one class – 2 attunements; 3 traditional symbols plus
1 additional and Antahkarana. Third Level – teaches ‘Sacred
Secrets of Reiki’, Chakra system. Fourth Master/Teacher
Level – passing attunements. |
Reiki TUMMO |
Irmansyah Effendi |
Irmansyah Effendi started teaching
Reiki TUMMO in Indonesia to the public in 1998. TUMMO
is a Tibetan word which means inner fire and refers to
the Kundalini (natural power within every human). It said
that we need this special energy to attain higher achievements
in the spiritual development. There are 3 levels: First
level with distance healing, Second Level – symbols, Kundalini
awakening & exercises, 3A Level – 8 chakras attunement,
3B Teacher Level. No one outside Padmacahaya Foundation
or Padmajaya Foundation is authorized to give a Reiki
TUMMO attunements. | |
Rainbow Reiki |
Walter Lubeck |
It’s a spiritual way developed
on the fundament of Traditional Usui Reiki. He uses in
his system Reiki, Shamanism, Feng Shui, Meditation, state-of-the-art
communication methods, spiritual psychology/psychotherapy.
Rainbow Reiki uses more symbols and mantras as well as
techniques like Karma Clearing, Astral Traveling, Crystal
Healing, Work with Inner Child, NLP. | |
The Re Hu Tek™ System |
NO |
Allen Burns |
RHT is a healing/transformative/
balancing energetic system from Ancient Egypt; Through
years of experience and practice; through deep remembering,
and research, Allen, with his wife Anita, have formulated
a way to use RHT in modern times, and to pass this ability
on to others. RHT, through a simple initiation process,
brings the student into the flow of a divine intelligence
combining Cosmic and Earth energies—some believe it to
be the Christ Consciousness itself. Re Hu Tek™ (pronounced
Ray Hoo Tek) is actually Re Xhu Tet'k, which means the
Sun God sends forth rays of splendor through his voice.
The two levels of training has been developed and the
system is still in ‘working progress’. | |
S top
Satya Reiki |
Shingo Sakuma |
In 1997 former Zen monk Shingo
Sakuma started the Satya Reiki Communion in Pune, India.
Satya in Sanskrit means Truth. 3 Levels with 3 or 4 attunements
in the First Level, 3 attunements in the Second Level
and 1 attunement in the Third Level. 3 traditional Usui
symbols for the Second Level and one symbol for the Third
Level. Satya Reiki uses also Chakra balancing and healing.
‘The Reiki Sourcebook’
by Bronwen and Frans Stiene
Seichim |
Patrick Ziegler |
There is much confusion about
this healing system. There are different names used for
it such as – Seichem, Seekhem, SKHM, SSR as well as 7
Facets Seichim, New Life Seichim, Taokan Seichim, Isis
Seichim. This system tends to produce many offshoots as
each Reiki Master discovers the energy working internally.
Patrick Ziegler was guided to new symbols, procedures
which he re-discover in Egypt. Some people say that Seichim
has it’s origins in Egypt. There are 4 distinct versions
of Seichim Reiki and they use all Usui Traditional Reiki
symbols as well as additional symbols. The first style
of Seichim is very close to the Traditional Usui Reiki.
There are 5 Facets (Levels). 1 Facet – 4 attunements,
2 Facet – 2 attunements, 3 traditional Usui symbols, 3
Facet – Master, 1 attunement, 1 symbol, 4& 5 Facets –
1 attunement, additional symbols each. The second style
of Seichim has a strong Egyptian feel and it has 2 facets
with 11 steps to each facet, and 4 levels. Each facet
has initiations and 9 additional symbols. The third style
of Seichim is Tibetan in feel with new symbols and understandings
at each level. There are 3 levels – 1 attunement each
and 16 additional symbols. The fourth style of Seichim
as taught by Patrick Ziegler today. It attunes one to
Living Light energy which moves in a figure eight rather
than a spiral as in Reiki. It is said that with Seichim
one can direct and control the intensity of the energy.
Both Seichim and Reiki are gentle loving energies, which
help the body to regain balance and reconnects the initiate
with Source/Creator/God. |
Patrick Ziegler |
Patrick Zeigler moved on to
create the SKHM energy system after Seichim. This system
uses meditation and reflection to access the energy, under
the guidance of SKHM Masters. Patrick Ziegler uses flowing
meditation instead of traditional attunements. It said
that SKHM is more of a group oriented energy and one of
the great aspects is that it seems to support students
development and takes to new insights and usage of this
energy. |
Sai Baba Reiki |
Kathleen Milner |
No longer taught; fascinating
and confusing history. All Karuna systems can trace their
roots to the early work of Kathleen Milner. What is now
Karuna Reiki* and/or Tera Mai™ Reiki was previously known
and taught as Sai Baba Reiki. Kathleen Milner and Marcy
Miller (Kathleen’s student), after feeling that something
is missing in Takata’s Reiki, started to work on the spiritual
plate, with Indian guru Satya Sai Baba. They said that
there were challenging the symbols and attunements from
him. However, Sai Baba organization stated that they knew
nothing about Sai Baba Reiki and the name was not being
used any more. |
T top
Tomita Teate Ryoho-kai |
Kaiji Tomita |
Kaiji Tomita learned Reiki
from Dr Usui in around 1925-6 and taught Reiki in 4 levels:
Shoden, Chuuden, Okuden, Kaiden. Each first 3 levels required
5 days (2 hours for each day) to be completed. Kaiden
required 15 days. After Usui’s death, Tomita established
Tomita Teate Ryoho-kai (Tomita Hand Healing Associaltion).
The Tenohira Ryoji Kenkyu
Kai |
Toshihiro Eguchi |
Eguchi (Usui’s student and
friend) established Tenohira Ryoji Kenkyu-kai (hand healing
research center) in 1928. Famous students of Eguchi are
Yasukiyo Eguchi, Kohshi Mitsui, and Goro Miyazaki. He
uses similar teaching as Japanese Masters do. Also uses
Waka poetry, prayer, diet, hygiene and psychological aspects. | |
Tera Mai™ Reiki & Tera Mai™
Seichem |
Kathleen Milner |
All Karuna systems can trace
their roots to the early work of Kathleen Milner. What
is now Karuna Reiki* and/or Tera Mai™ Reiki was previously
known and taught as Sai Baba Reiki. Kathleen Milner and
Marcy Miller (Kathleen’s student), after feeling that
something is missing in Takata’s Reiki, started to work
on the spiritual plate, with Indian guru Satya Sai Baba.
They said that they were channeling the symbols and attunements
from him. However, now it been said that those symbols
were channeled directly from god. Tera Mai™ Reiki attunements
pass on the energy from the element earth. Tera Mai™ Seichem
has the energy of earth (Reiki), fire (Sakara), water
(Sophi-El) and air (Angeliclight). 3 Levels using additional
channeled symbols. The first two Tera Mai™ Reiki attunements
are in the first two Tera Mai™ Seichem attunements. In
third Tera Mai™ Reiki Mastership – 1 more attunement into
elemental earth energy and taught how to do 3 Tera Mai™
Reiki attunements. Tera Mai™ Seichem Mastership – need
to finish Tera Mai™ Mastership class. Violet Flame and
passing attunements are taught. In 1995 Kathleen trademarked
Tera Mai™ Reiki and Tera Mai™ Seichem. |
Tibetan Reiki |
Generic name which is like
an umbrella for Usui/Tibetan Reiki, Tibetan/Usui Reiki,
Wei Chi Tibetan Reiki. Many independent masters teach
also some variations of these systems usually adding to
Usui Reiki their Tibetan knowledge as well as some Tibetan
meditation, practice, Antahkarana and other Tibetan symbols. |
The Reiki Threshold |
Richard Rivard |
Richard Rivard blend original
Japanese Reiki and Western Reiki styles as well as his
metaphysical experience and found his own system called
The Reiki Threshold. His attunements consist of his own
Threshold Reiki energy and at least one of the Japanese
Reiki energies he received. There are 4 Threshold Reiki
Levels: 1 Level – with history of both The Reiki Threshold
and Original Japanese Reiki and intuitive healing; Level
2 – 3 additional Taoist energies that Mikao Usui worked
with before he encountered Reiki energy, several energies/symbols
of Western origin: Level 3 – 4th Taoist energy which is
parth of original Usui Reiki Ryoho, an additional Western
energy/symbols; Master Level – students are allowed to
choose the attunements, teaching, methods that best suit
them. | |
U top
Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai (Traditional
Usui Reiki or The Usui System of Natural Healing) |
Mikao Usui (1865-1926); |
In Japanese Reiki means ‘spiritual
energy’, Ryoho means ‘healing method, therapy, cure’.
It is said that this is the original name attributed to
Reiki by Mikao Usui who achieved ‘satori’ (enlightenment)
on Kurama Mountains. So he then developed system for wellness
and spiritual growth. The organization Usui Reiki Ryoho
Gakkai is still functioning in Tokyo, Japan. One of the
main purpose of Reiki was not only to heal diseases, but
also to have right mind and healthy body so that people
would have happy & enjoyable life. Many techniques are
orientated towards self-development, self-growth. There
are three levels: Shoden, Okuden, and Shinpiden (master
or secret level). Raiju (attunement) is performed at each
meeting. |
Usui Reiki Ryoho |
Hiroshi Doi |
In 1999 Hiroshi Doi was invited
to teach a seminar in the West on Reiki Reiho based on
Japanese Reiki teaching. This ‘new’ Japanese material
was named ‘Reiki Ryoho’, ‘Usui Reiki Ryoho’ or ‘Reiho’.
They use traditional Japanese techniques used by Usui
Reiki Ryoho Gakkai. There are 4 Usui Reiki Symbols; 3
Levels with 4 traditional attunements in the first one,
three in the second one and one attunement in the shinpiden/teacher
level. |
Usui - Do or Usui – Do Eidan |
Yuji Onuki |
Dave King promotes what he
refers to as Usui-Do saying that this is ‘an authentic
reconstruction’ of the spiritual system of Mikao Usui.
Usui-Do is a close reconstruction of Usui's system as
presented by Yuji Onuki, a student of Toshihiro Eguchi
who gave training to Dao Shen-Lissa, Tan-Lin (George)
Mullen and Dave King in Morocco in 1971. Usui-Do is a
system of self development. It is presented in a 'dojo'
format identical to that used in many Japanese spiritual
and martial arts. There are 13 levels from rokyu to shichidan.
It is not about healing others, teaching or "becoming
a master". However, a holder of level 5, godan, may use
the title shihan and present the system up to nidan. There
are no "masters". | |
Usui Shiki Ryoho |
Mrs Takata, Phyllis Lei Furumoto |
Mrs. Takata who was a master
and studied under Hayashi in early 1930’s called her Reiki
teaching ‘Usui Shiki Ryoho’. In Japanese Shiki means ‘style,
ceremony, rite, system, method, form, and Ryoho means
‘healing, therapy, remedy, cure, method’. This is the
method taught by the Reiki Alliance and some Independent
Reiki Masters/Teachers. This name also was used by Mrs.
Takata on the certificates she issued to her students.
Mrs. Takata used the name Usui Reiki Ryoho for her system
as well. The lineage is Usui - Hayashi – Takata - 22 Masters
(please see Reiki Lineage). Lineage, certification, symbols,
specific periods of time to wait between attunements are
essential. There are 3 Levels or Degrees. I Level – has
got 4 attunements, II Level – one attunements and 3 symbols,
III Level, Mastership Degree – one attunement and Master
Symbol. |
Usui/Tibetan Reiki |
William Lee Rand |
It uses several additional
symbols beyond the Usui system. There are 4 levels/degrees
in this system. I Level – one attunement, II Level – one
attunement with 3 Usui symbols, III Level called Advanced
Reiki or Master Healing Degree– one attunement and Master
Symbol, IV Level – Master/Teacher Degree – one attunement
and Tibetan symbols. No $10.000 fee for Master Level,
no waiting time between the attunements, respecting other
schools. |
Urevia |
NO |
‘Urevia is an old energy resurfacing
during this time of new awakenings and is another healing
energy similar to Reiki. It is from the same love source
but it is a different frequency. There are many healing
energies becoming active on Earth at this time to help
us heal each other and ourselves. We can handle higher
vibrations again, (like we did in the Atlantis times),
and Urevia is just "one" of many healing energies and
techniques that we are tapping into.’ | |
V top
Vortex |
Toshitaka Mochizuki |
T Mochizuki wrote a book ‘Iyashi
No Te’(Heal of Hand or Healing Hands) published in 1995.
He was a head of the Vortex Reiki school in Tokyo. He
learnt Reiki from the both Western and Eastern Masters.
The Traditional Reiki System created in Canada by Dave
King in 1995 is based on Mochizuki Vortex Reiki. | |
Vajra Reiki® |
Wade Ryan |
Wade Ryan named and trademarked
this system based on Johrei Reiki. It says that the energy
in this system is more focused, hotter. There are 3 levels
–1) Shokuden (Level I & II in Usui Reiki) – 3 attunements
& 4 symbols. This level of Vajra Reiki® is only available
to Usui at least Level II Practitioners. 2) Shinpiden
(Master Practitioner) after being at least one year in
the Vajra system.The school says that their hand positions
reverse the polarity of the recipient, while covering
the entire body. 3) Vajra Raku-Kei Reiki Master®. |
W top |
WEI CHI Tibetan Reiki™ |
Thomas A. Hensel and Kevin Ross
Emery |
WEI CHI Tibetan Reiki™ - System
of Natural Healing. Thomas A. Hensel and Kevin Ross Emery
claimed that they channeled words of Wei Chi, a 5000 year
old Tibetan monk and one of the original creators of the
healing system which, today, we call Reiki. New methods
and philosophies were channeled. He claimed that when
the system was rediscovered in the nineteenth century,
only small portion of the original was actually found
as much has been lost through the centuries. It is said
that Traditional Usui Reiki is ‘Relaxation Reiki’, passive
healing technique and Wei Chi Tibetan Reiki™ system is
‘Therapeutic Reiki’. There is a dialogue before and after
the treatment and practitioners channel not only energy
but also information. There are Three Practitioners Levels
and Three Teachers Levels. To get the Third Teacher Level
the student will have to have a minimum of 1135 contact
hours (in both practitioner and teacher trainings) and
a minimum of 200 documented and reviewed, practical hours
in outside practice. The designations for those levels
is awarded for a period not to exceed two years. The certificates
are re-issued based on the achievement of continuing education
credits and evidence that Wei Chi Tibetan Reiki™ is actively
used in student’s work. |
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Zarlen |
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Dr. Jonathan Sherwood |
The Zarlen Therapy is a hands
on telepathic healing technique, no other instruments
are required, other than occasionally in the advanced
areas of its applications where a fine quartz crystal
may be used to focus energy more precisely. The Zarlen
Therapy has various levels of application associated with
it. For example, there are the basic Zarlen Healing Therapies,
Intermediate techniques, and advanced techniques. Discovered
by Dr. Jonathan Sherwood, author of Zarlen Speaks: A New
Beginning, in 1984 in New Zealand. Supposedly, Zarlen
is both Sherwood's guide and a "past life existence" that
he'd had. Zarlen Therapy allegedly can "re-pattern" one's
"higher brain functions" so that one is "completely back
in tune." Application of the "technique" takes about three
minutes. | |